Sunday, March 11, 2012

July 2009

So, another truck load of triple mix and a mother's day gift that needed a home.  A Pond !...Instead of digging into the rocky clay soil we have here in NB, I decided to go up.  I latterly moved a mountain !  Heavy rains on the second day and I had quit.  I physically couldn't do it anymore.  

My Hubby decided to get the ATV hooked up with a snow plow thingy and pushed as much as he could, nothing too much happened to tell you the truth as he was digging himself into a hole ! Slippery as hell and wet as hell, heavy as hell.  

2 days later, I got my rubber boots on and fought the beast with a shovel LOLLL   Got high enough good !...  took the rest of the day to get the pond into place securely so that the sides wouldn't collapse with dirt pressure, added snow, more rain or whatever else that could me this one big mess !

Downstairs we had cut railroad track logs thingies.  I got there and got the ones that were the closest in length so I didn't have to cut them.  Bingo, got enough ....  one by one up the stairs out to the garden..this is like way to much work for anyone but obsviously, not for me...grrr !  I got them in place and added spikes so they wouldn't move!  Now we got steps!  Beautiful!

The next day, I knocked at a few doors on this highway i was on.  I had seen flat rocks in what it looked like a dirt pit.  Nobody could help me so I got my truck in there and took as much as the truck would hold.  It took me hours!  Slowly, one rock at a time.  Gosh, never would I think of rock gardening again.  My back was aching so bad.  I sat in the seat of the truck and felt like every vertebrae had moved an inch off side !....This was too much!  Got home and dang, I had to unload every freakin' rock off the truck, one by one and puzzle them in place, applied them  around the edge of the Pond liner...  Done !  Finally !  I am pooped !

Next day, mom and I want shopping for cheap/sale/bargain plants.  I hate shopping but my mother is a pro.  Mom knows how to find a deal anywhere, she's unbelievable!  But really today, I should have stayed home, my back is still not ok.  Wow!  it's a mess, I have a hard time to keep up with her in the aisles.  Mom has so much energy, she does.  I feel older then she is.  She's on fire !

On the 8th day PLANTING DAY !!!  yay !!  i planted the purchased plants, all gift plants and  my own divided plants that I had in my position. Tadda !!

It did look good, yeah it did but something was missing.  I knew that i had to do something for erosion.  It wouldn't stand up to the winters and spring melt.  Tree trunks?  Got lots of them around but i am no lumberjack.  So then what?.........................flat rocks !!!!!  

But is was worth it !  I am very happy with the end results but I wouldn't do it again.....alone !!!!

This one is later in the season, the plants have matured a bit ...  it's amazing!  I love it...

And so did the rest of the new flower beds.  This is the back of the house.  I have added a birdbath

and a few weeks later.......... nice

this is a before picture early plantation:

and the front of the house.....that was instant maturity because the plant exchange was from a local neighbor that knew her stuff and all the samples given were not sample size, they were mother plants already so BAM !..

I bought this seat in Moncton were the lady was selling all her assets.  She had a few interesting pieces but I absolutely wanted to go home with this one.  

As you can see the pic above, I extended the flowerbed to give it more definition.  I know, I know...

And this is a few weeks later !

I love the marriage here of colors, height and textures:  My favorite front corner !

And we can't forget the veggy patch !!!   ...  That was more daily work that my flowers.  The weeds in here were a daily to do.  The soil I received wasn't triple mix so it was constant, manure vs compost vs peat moss and watering 

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