Fall of 1998
The business has grown so fast. We have a new born and then another, my teen daughter moved out to leave with her father. Oh dear God, this decision what the worst I had to make. I thought I was loosing my mind. Our neighbor lost his marbles, our employees are back stabbing us. Sleep isn't sleep, it's now the new time of day to plan the next, my heart skips a beat now, and another. Doc tells me I must make changes in my life. Less caffeine, nicotine, more exercise, stress release is essential... Yap o.k. maybe in movies...
I called grandma: 18 children, 22 pregnancies, and asked how she did it every day of her life, she said: "… Every morning and night, I pray God to get me through another day and thank him for the wonderful day he gave me...” Wow. Thank God I have great girlfriends! My angels work real hard but my girlfriends are the glue that sticks it together. Thank God we have crossed path in this lifetime. I miss them so much.
The business has grown so fast. We have a new born and then another, my teen daughter moved out to leave with her father. Oh dear God, this decision what the worst I had to make. I thought I was loosing my mind. Our neighbor lost his marbles, our employees are back stabbing us. Sleep isn't sleep, it's now the new time of day to plan the next, my heart skips a beat now, and another. Doc tells me I must make changes in my life. Less caffeine, nicotine, more exercise, stress release is essential... Yap o.k. maybe in movies...
I called grandma: 18 children, 22 pregnancies, and asked how she did it every day of her life, she said: "… Every morning and night, I pray God to get me through another day and thank him for the wonderful day he gave me...” Wow. Thank God I have great girlfriends! My angels work real hard but my girlfriends are the glue that sticks it together. Thank God we have crossed path in this lifetime. I miss them so much.
Automne 1998
Les affaires vont vite en crime ! Un bébé a la couche et ensuite un autre. Mon ado est partie vivre avec son père. Pas des bonnes nouvelles pour personne mais j'avais besoin de prendre cette décision. La plus difficile que j'ai du faire . J'pense de plus etre capable de tenir les deux bouts ensembles. Notre voisin a perdu sa tete, nos salariés nous poignardent dans le dos. Le sommeil n'est plus du sommeil, c'est maintenant le nouveau moment de la journée pour planifier la suivante. Mon coeur saute un battement et un autre. Doc me dit que je dois faire des grands changements de vie. Moins de caféine, moins de nicotine, plus d'exercice, déstresser est essentielle... Ouin, o.k. peut-être dans des films...
J'ai appelé ma grand-mère : 18 enfants, 22 grossesses et je lui demande comment elle l'a fait chaque jour de sa vie, elle a dit : "… Chaque matin et le chaque soir, je prie Dieu de me donner un autre jour et le remercier du jour qu'il m'a donné..." Ouah.
Merci Seigneur que j'ai de grandes amies! Mes anges travaillent très durement mais mes amies sont ma colle. Je remercie Dieu que nous avons croisé notre chemin dans cette dure vie. Elles me manquent tellement.